How Contagious is COVID-19? Does the CDC Know?
So far we have been misled and misinformed. We don’t know how long Covid-19 stays in the air and travels in the wind. We don’t know if microscopic droplets can be blown into the eyes. Many people want clearly presented trustworthy details concerning how contagious COVID-19 is. We need to focus on details!
Many experts indicate that the COVID-19 virus is just as contagious as or MORE contagious than the measles. I went to the CDC website and was disappointed to see their information and recommendations concerning the measles.
Much like the Coronavirus guidelines, the measles guidelines contradict and fail to list important details. “Live for up to two hours in an airspace where infected person coughed or sneezed”, seems to indicate microscopic droplets expelled by SPEAKING can transmit the virus. The measles and COVID-19 guidelines seem to share some of the same defects. Speaking is an important word that should be added to the MEASLES and COVID-19 guidelines. The Surgeon General finally acknowledges that SPEAKING emits dangerous virus droplets. It also seems important to mention “wind carry” can sometimes make six foot spacing dangerous. We need clarification and details.
Should people wear virus resistant goggles AND a face covering
? Should they carefully wash their hands AND face? Maybe safe face covering, goggles and rubber gloves
should be worn.
As we risk physical and mental health, jobs and our economy, we should expect the best information possible. We need clearly spelled out details to focus on.
Many people think wearing proper protection is equally or much more important than “social distancing”. Even a trip to visit a doctor or get food can be dangerous. The CDC needs to dramatically improve their measles and COVID-19 guidelines!