Pandemic Tips: A Blue Collar View

Be careful, improve your mindset and focus on details

There are plenty of bad things created by the COVID-19 virus Pandemic. We can improve the way we face challenges and make the best of this terrible situation, if we improve our mindset. With an improved mindset, we will see fewer cases of COVID-19, “the Flue”, “colds” and other diseases. As we improve our mindset, we can use these skills to change substance abuse (including over-eating) and other bad habits to good ones. After this Pandemic, we will be stronger mentally and physically. You will think and feel better if using exercise equipment as you watch television and other screens.

It is always best to gather advice and opinions from the CDC and your medical doctor. Here are some “Blue Collar” suggestions and tips that could be helpful today and far into the future:

  1. Don’t touch your face with your hand or finger. Keep a pack of tissues. Carefully use an untouched and unused section of tissue to wipe or rub your face.
  2. Avoid touching any public surfaces. Rubber gloves are much easier to wash and much safer than direct hand/skin contact. Too much washing can dry out and create dangerous cracks in skin.
  3. Keep your face covered while in public places. Wind can carry danger many feet. If masks are in short supply, use a scarf, bandanna or other home- made face protector. Eye protection can also be important. Eye glasses help. Googles or glasses with added “saran wrap” or other guards can provide extra protection.
  4. Always sneeze or cough into your folded arm. Be careful to not “spray” when talking and always stay at least six feet from others.
  5. Keep shopping bags or other material available to cover shopping cart and other handles. Be aware that stock and all other surfaces in public places could be covered with dangerous organic material.
  6. Anything carried into your home should be considered dangerous. Properly clean and sanitize everything. Wear throw-away gloves or properly clean gloves after cleaning. “Playtex” or other re-usable gloves are excellent for cleaning purposes. Be smart and be safe!

About the Author

Mike started his plumbing apprenticeship in 1969. He has over forty years experience solving plumbing problems in homes. Mike helps people avoid mistakes. He is the founder and president of Quick Quality Plumbing Inc.. Mike published a book ( and he is the administrator for the web site (