COVID-19 and the wind: A Blue Collar View
It seems that people with no symptoms can spread Coronavirus-19. But, unless a person has allergy problems, they are not likely to sneeze or cough. The CDC says:
We need to focus on details concerning what happened March 30, 2020.
As the wind blew and a box was blown off a table, the best of the best watched the President speak about a Pandemic.
Medical doctors, scientist, “journalists” and others sat about six feet apart as they listened and asked questions.
I thought; ‘please say it and don’t spray it, don’t cough, don’t sneeze or even accidentally allow a saliva duct squirt!’
Air flow can easily carry bodily fluid much more than six feet.
Maybe people should at least wear bandannas to cover their face.
Just think. Less ‘show boating’ better questions and safety could benefit if people focus on details.
Make America Great Again bandannas and other media bandannas will soon be the rage. Maybe “tie dyed” or photos or whatever.
Forget pet rocks and those other things from the past. Focus on face protection and other details concerning safety.