Coronavirus 19(COVID-19) Update

Coronavirus (COVID-19): A Blue Collar View Update

Read and heed information available. Also, pray for better reporting.

So far the best source of information seems to be from the CDC.

Politics and fear are our most difficult challenge. There seems to be a need to change the way interviews take place. One example of one of our biggest problems took place yesterday (March 12, 2020) when Martha MacCallum was trying to be polite. Martha is one of my favorites and I don’t blame her for the problem. I don’t even blame White House Task Force member Seema Verma. I blame politics and the fear of fear that poisons popular media.

The Washington Post provides a truthful but political interpretation of Martha’s interview.

The Post article didn’t mention Martha’s unanswered question concerning the extremely important “Test Kits” that were promised.

As fear among many seems dangerous, sometimes necessary medicine might be incorrectly labeled poison. What I call media poison might actually be what is necessary to help viewers that are not prepared to face reality. Unfortunately, politically correct or being too nice can be dangerous as it paints a false picture of a serious situation.

For those that want honest transparency and a chance to honestly grasp situations, Martha and the rest of us should be able to find honest, reliable information at Media entertainment is fine, we just need an honest place to “fact” check. Acknowledge mistakes and fix them.

We want to know the situation on the promised “Test Kits” and other things. We want to know more about “Live Animal Markets” and if there is any focus concerning future mistreatment and miss handling of critters. We want to know what is being done to prevent the next Coronavirus. Forget fear and politics and please focus on details concerning mistakes, dishonesty and prevention.

About the Author

Mike started his plumbing apprenticeship in 1969. He has over forty years experience solving plumbing problems in homes. Mike helps people avoid mistakes. He is the founder and president of Quick Quality Plumbing Inc.. Mike published a book ( and he is the administrator for the web site (