American Standard Vormax Toilet Update

Since I installed a few Vormax toilets, I started calling customers where I installed the first ones. So far, those customers reported NO stoppages.

So far, people seem to like the swirling self cleaning feature these toilets provide. Even with reports of occasional less than perfect flushes, since no stoppages have occurred, people seem to be glad they choose the innovative Vormax toilet.

Vormax toilets, like everything else, must be in homes for many years before we can determine how reliable they are. The ten years warranty and judging by the LOOKS of the working rubber seals on the flush valves, I think this exciting toilet is probably worthy of the risk.

Unlike the first generation of the American Standard Champion toilets, the Vormax seems to use higher quality AND thicker rubber.

When you see the impressive, self cleaning, swirling action that only the Vormax can provide, I think you will get excited and start replacing your old 3.5 gallon toilets with these 1.28 gallon Vormax toilets.

There always seems to be pros and cons about everything. With Vormax, some people must learn to break their bad habit of holding the flush lever too long. When I install or fix toilets, I always test by pretending to be a person that; flushes roughly (pushes the flush lever too hard),flushes too softly and I try to see what happens when people push the flush lever too long. With the Vormax, if the flush lever is pushed too long, the next four or five flushes will be weak (probably NOT stop up-but-will provide a “lousy” flush).

So, if visitors or others push the Vormax flush lever too long, you should expect some weak flush action. Pushing the flush lever too long allows air to get trapped between the “Jet” flapper and the “Jet” hole at the bottom of the toilet.The great flush action on the Vormax is created by providing a flush valve dedicated to providing the weight of the water directly to the “Jet” and “Jet stream”. Trapped air (air pockets) developed by pushing the flush lever too long,prevents the proper use of the water’s weight. Usually, PROPERLY flushing (NOT pushing the flush lever too long) about four times, will remove the trapped air.

The first Vormax I installed was the only one that required adjusting the foam floats. I always adjust the linkage (if necessary) as directed in the instructions. It is good to be aware that float adjustment can take place if needed.

If you buy a Vormax toilet, don’t be surprised if your plumber scratches his head when he sees it. In my forty three years of plumbing, the Vormax is the only one I have seen with two separate flush valves. Just tell your plumber, the flush valve with the overflow pipe only supplies water for the swirling rim cleaning flow and the other flush valve uses the weight of the water to dramatically improve the flushing action.

Now, people that used to worry about mold spores blowing out of the hollow flush rim, can stop.The Vormax avoids the need for a hollow flush rim and many tiny mold capturing holes. The Vormax has one large rim hole that directs the self cleaning water stream where it is needed.

It will take time to see if Vormax toilets have any premature failures.I don’t think people should wait much longer. I think the old hollow rim toilets will soon make bathrooms seem out-dated.

I remember when people used to buy new cars to get cruise control and other features. Now, I think people will start replacing old 3.5 gallon toilets with new 1.28 gallon self cleaning Vormax toilets!

About the Author

Mike started his plumbing apprenticeship in 1969. He has over forty years experience solving plumbing problems in homes. Mike helps people avoid mistakes. He is the founder and president of Quick Quality Plumbing Inc.. Mike published a book ( and he is the administrator for the web site (